Services of the Eurasian Art Union

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for creative and financial growth of members of the Eurasian Art Union


1) Free services for all members of the Union: 

a) professional preparation of autobiography in Russian and English languages;
b) author's on-line page in the Union members catalog (author's photo, autobiography, links to personal internet resources, photos of works (up to 20 objects) are published in the catalog);
c) annual publication in the official catalog of the Union “Eurasian Arts Today” (1 page);
d) subscription to the weekly Internet newspaper "Vestnik Soyuza” (Bulletin of the Union) that contains the most relevant world and national art news, announcements of grant programs and competitions, exhibition schedules, workshops of art projects.
e) information counselling and legal assistance (general issues of creative and commercial activities);
f) assistance in translation of materials and services of an interpreter on events.

2) Free opportunities for Union members who have received recommendations from sections, guilds and the Board: 

a) participation in thematic exhibitions of the Union (if the artwork is suitable for the exhibition theme);
b) participation in thematic exhibitions of the Union partners (in Russia, Europe, Asia and the Middle East)
c) publications in informational resources of the Union;
d) participation in the video and TV programmes production (Art Forum, Art Ring, demo classes and educational content);
e) participation in master classes and lectures;
f)  participation in thematic catalogs;
g) organizational and informational support of personal initiatives of the Union members:
- personal exhibitions,
- special projects and events,
- lectures and master classes,
- participation in international fairs, exhibitions, special projects, residences;
h) participation in collective international events:
- trade fairs
- symposiums,
- conferences,
- competitions.


3) Commercial services for members of the Union at a discount: 

a) participation in exhibitions organized by the partners of the Union (in more than 20 countries);
b) assistance in preparation of materials for grants;
c) publishing of personal catalogs (design, layout, printing);
d) preparation of personal video portfolio (directing, shooting. installation);
e) organization of a personal exhibition (PR and organizational support partially or on a turnkey basis);
f) assistance in obtaining customs permits (export / import of art objects);
g) legal assistance (special issues);
h) preparation of art overview / review / essay;
i) interpreter services;
j) PR and organizational assistance to projects and initiatives of the Union members;
k) personal website development;
l) volunteer assistance.
We will be glad to see you in our creative community!
You create artworks, we create their fame and commercial success.

See the following sections for a complete list:
Opportunities and prospects for the members of the Union - section "Prospects and Opportunities"
List of free and paid services for members of the Union - section "General list of prices and cost of services"


The following departments were create to implement these points in the Eurasian Art Union,

Marketing department

Department of Advertising and Public Relations

Design Studio

Internet studio

Exhibition Department

Grant department


Such an extensive organizational system requires personal participation in the life of the Eurasian Art Union of EACH PARTICIPANT.

We welcome new initiatives and are sure that we will be able to come to the realization of our plans only if ALL TOGETHER join the activities of the Eurasian Art Union.

FaLang translation system by Faboba